Our Expertise in Medical Coding Services
Get access to a team of Certified coders who are well versed with multiple specialties.
Medical Coding Services Overview
Accurate Medical coding is a critical factor in obtaining reimbursements from Payers as well as maintaining patient records. Coding claims accurately let the insurance payer know the illness or injury of the patient and the method of treatment and enables them to adjudicate claims correctly.
Overview of Medical Coding Systems and Standards
Medical coding can involve one or more of the following types of codes: ICD codes, CPT codes, HCPCS codes, DRG codes, and modifiers. All of these coding sets are important for communication and billing purposes. Not only is coding important for capture of details of diseases and creation of medical records but is also important for getting reimbursements from commercial payers as well as Medicare and Medicaid.
Ascribe Healthcare operates a coding center of excellence with certified coders who are proficient in multiple types of medical codes including:
ICD Codes. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases or ICD codes is specific to classifications of diagnoses, symptoms, and causes of death in humans. The World Health Organization creates, copyrights, and oversees these classifications. These codes are a global standard and are recognized by every medical facility and practitioner worldwide.
CPT Codes. CPT codes or Common Procedure Terminology is defined for every medical procedure and are maintained by the American Medical Association
HCPCS Codes. The HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) levels I and II is another coding system. HCPCS codes are defined in three levels. Level I is comprised of CPT codes, and Level II includes alphanumeric codes that are used to identify products, supplies, and services not included in the CPT codes when used outside a physician's office.
Level I CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes are made up of 5 digit numbers. These Codes are managed by the American Medical Association (AMA). CPT codes are used to identify medical services and procedures ordered by physicians or other licensed professionals.
Level II HCPCS are alphanumeric codes consisting of one alphabetical letter followed by four numbers. These codes are managed by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These codes identify non-physician services such as ambulance services, durable medical equipment, and pharmacy.
Level III HCPCS codes are alphanumeric codes W, X, Y, or Z followed by a four-digit numeric code. These are known as local codes, these codes are used as a miscellaneous code when there is no level I or level II code to identify it.
Modifiers. Modifiers, a two-digit character set - two numbers, two-letter, or alphanumeric characters, that provide additional information along with HCPCS Codes. These are often to identify the area of the body where a procedure was performed, multiple procedures performed in the same session, or indicate a procedure was started but discontinued.
DRG Codes. Diagnosis-Related Grouping (DRG) codes are used for coding of inpatient claims. The DRG codes define the accuracy of all the inpatient service components used by the facility. As these groupings are logical, most insurance companies pay according to the DRG used and, therefore, critical for inpatient facilities to obtain proper reimbursements.

Ascribe Healthcare’s
Medical Coding Expertise and Center of Excellence
Medical Coding Process
Ascribe’s coding team painstakingly reviews inpatient and outpatient medical records and codes all diagnoses and procedures by following strict coding guidelines. This guarantees improved quality, quick turnaround time and elimination of hiring and retention challenges. All coding work is audited in-house and compliance experts to ensure the highest levels of accuracy.
Our team of medical coding experts has extensive knowledge of the entire reimbursement cycle, as well as Medicare, Medicaid, and most managed care payors. We have coders with certifications in Professional and Facility coding, and our coders are AAPC certified.
Our teams verify and validate the documents, and review them for completeness; quality and readability. Diagnosis, Procedure Codes, and modifiers are assigned as per client descriptions and guidelines
Modification of certain codes may be made as per carrier requirement (e.g. certain insurance carriers require ASA code)
Our diligent quality control teams audit the dictation and process it further for charge entry and cash posting
Minimum accuracy deliverables of over 95% and above on both CPT and ICD
We provide 24 to 48-hour turn-around of all completed source documents
Quality and Compliance are continually monitored via a Quality Assurance Program and a Compliance Program
We perform an ongoing review of coding by following NCCI (National Correct Coding Initiatives) and LCD (Local coverage decision and medical policies) as per set rules for different states across the US
Coding Center of Excellence
Key highlights of our Coding of Excellence are:
Our AAPC certified coding team is proficient with CPT, ICD, HCPCS level II and DRG codes across various specialties. Our coders complete a comprehensive training program and are involved in continuing education programs.
We bring about an assurance in maintaining coding policies and procedures, appropriate and accurate managed contract advice and reports
We review each coding denial in detail and perform a root cause analysis of the issue with each claim
Clinical documentation Improvement
Often, we can find clinical documentation deficiencies such as inaccurate marking on superbills, inadequate articulation of the medical necessity, and facility/physician-specific coding issues.
Discharges not fully Billed (DNFB). Lack of knowledge about Medical Coding and reimbursement for specific procedures amongst physicians is perhaps the single most cause of revenue leakage.
Even as we resolve these issues working with the clinical staff, we catalog such issues over 3 months and provide our findings as a detailed report.
Physician Education is the key to arresting revenue leakage.
Our Coding leaders conduct physician education sessions showcasing specific issues around clinical documentation, and revenue leakage over the past 3-4 month period. By educating them on specific issues, and providing them with remedial training to address specific issues, we are able to eliminate these issues from recurring.
In some cases, we have been able to improve revenue by 2-3x by eliminating clinical documentation deficiencies
Specialty Specific Coding Capabilities
We bring expertise across over 30 medical specialties across inpatient, outpatient, and Emergency Room settings
General Outpatient Specialties
Evaluation and Management
Emergency Medicine
Pain Management
Interventional Radiology
Pathology: Surgical & Anatomic
Bariatric Surgery
Cardiac Catheterization
Cardiovascular Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
General Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Neuro Surgery
Oral/Dental Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Podiatric Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Genitourinary Surgery
Specialties supported for ASC
Bariatric Surgery
General Surgery
Neuro Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Oral/Dental Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Pain Management
Pediatric Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Podiatric Surgery
Vascular Surgery